Friday, september 8, from 19:00

Founded by Maria Franco, Companhia de Dança de Almada started its activity as a professional contemporary dance company in 1990. Since then, it has produced more than a hundred pieces by national and international choreographers, presented in the country and abroad, namely in Europe (Germany, Belgium, Croatia, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland), Africa (Cape Verde), America (Brazil) and Asia (China).

Since 1992, Ca.DA has organized the annual festival "Quinzena de Dança de Almada – International Dance Festival", promoting exchanges between Portuguese creators and dancers and the international community.

In 1998, Ca.DA School was founded, developing continuously in the field of artistic dance training, offering both vocational and non-vocational dance courses. Since 2018/19, it offers a vocational Integrated Dance Course accredited by the Portuguese Ministry of Education.

At the end of the event, the public is invited to a free and relaxed discussion with the artists and Maria Franco, the director of the company.

Dance performance (25’)

Amebas Traidoras

Creation: Luís Malaquias
Co-creation and Performance: Bruno Duarte and Luís Malaquias
Text: extract from Behavior by Robert Sapolsky Music: Daniel Martinho
Light design: Stageplot
Acknowledgments: Ana Lázaro and Mateus Gomes Artistic Direction: Maria Franco
Assistant choreographer and répétiteur: Maria João Lopes

Amebas Traidoras emerges based on the multidisciplinary approach to this issue by Robert Sapolsky, author awarded by the MacArthur Foundation, and Professor of Biology and Neurology at Stanford University.

In a piece for two performers, Luís Malaquias seeks to materialize Sapolsky's words in the bodies of the dancers, in an attempt to understand the reasons behind some of the most fracturing and devastating behaviors that human beings are capable of.

The show focuses briefly on four themes that structure community life: Culture, Evolution, Cooperation and “We/They” Dichotomy or Demarcation.

* The show is performed in English, without subtitles.


6:23, 2020, PT
D: Marta Romero
C: Bruno Duarte

“Film noir” is a term coined by French critics to describe a type of cinema, mostly black and white, full of shadows and suspense. Adopting the same aesthetics and ambience, in contrast to an admittedly contemporary soundtrack and movement, Noir was created for the Clash! Project from a series of premises designed by the different partners and which inspired a work in which the individual clashes with the group that is itself constituted by confronting entities. In this organized chaos, it is difficult to find who to point the finger at.

Seven Days of Winter

14:00, 2020, PT
D: Henrique Pina
C: Bruno Duarte

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival that took place in worship of Saturn, god of agriculture. For seven days in December, Rome was transformed and social norms were reversed, in celebration of freedom and a new agrarian year. The spirit of these festivities passed from people to people, overflowed borders and remained centuries later under various names and forms, adorned by the customs of those who welcomed them.

In the villages of Trás-os-Montes, in the north of Portugal, rituals in praise of freedom, youth and pagan gods continue the symbolism of other times. A celebration of life that spreads through the crowd.

And the people dance.