Sept 4th, 16:00 — 18:00

*Free entry based on prior registration through mail at, mentioning your full name, a phone number, the event for which the registration is made and a short bio (maximum 200 words) about your professional experience and and the domain in which you activate. In order to keep it safe, the attendance is limited to 15 participants.

About the workshop

The two-hour session will explore the overarching vision of filmmaking and the importance of collaborative work. As filmmakers have to wear many hats these days, it's important to know your tools and opportunities from script development to production, marketing, audience engagement and to build your personal brand. While engaging with sales agents, festivals and distributors is a great part of the journey, keeping a tidy production with IP contracts, investors, and reports is equally important. Be it a short, a doc or a feature-length film, the principles of discipline, collaboration and finding your audience stay the same. It's the golden age for content creators!

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About Maria Tanjala (ro/uk)

Maria Tanjala is a UK-based, Romanian-born entrepreneur. With a decade of experience in film and TV, as well as sociology, with her company FilmChain she uses the blockchain technology to bring financial transparency in media. "Startup of the Year" at London Business Awards 2020, she is passionate about creating level playing fields between industry professionals to leverage the power of technology and take better ownership of their work and data.

Adrian Rosu, FilmChain UX UI designer, will alsO be present at the masterclass.